Alternative Allergy Support

The Wilson Protocol

Dr. Wilson developed this approach based on combined principle of several modalities for allergies. These are the principles of Acupuncture and Body Meridians per Traditional Chinese Medicine, Functional Medicine, Biokinetics (BKT), NAET, Jaffe Mallore technique (JMT), & Kinesiology. 

“I have taken the best that each of these have to offer and developed my own protocol for eliminating chronic allergies for my patients. From this protocol, I have helped thousands of patients over the last 60 years." - Dr. Jay Wilson 

Steps of allergy elimination:


We can only work on one allergen per visit. 

We can only work on clearing sensitivity/allergy one allergen per session. We can only do one session over a 25-hour period. If you have 15 allergies, this will mean roughly 15 visits. The only thing you have to avoid is the allergen for 25 hours after our session. That’s it! Most allergens clear in a single session. Occasionally multiple sessions may be needed, which is offered at no additional charge to you. 


We create a schedule to work on all your allergies and intolerances ahead of time. 

If you want to bring an item you think you might be allergic to, like the fur of your pet, put the fur in a Ziploc - we will work on clearing that as well. 


Every visit starts with checking the allergy for the allergen we worked on in the last visit. Only once that is clear, we move on to the next allergen. 

Each time you come in, we first start each session with a check to see if the previous allergy is cleared and then move on to the next. Only after the previous allergy is cleared, we move on. 


Three months after finishing all allergens, I re-screen you one final time to make sure all allergies are cleared. 

After we have cleared all the allergies I originally screened you for, we will wait three months and then I will have you return and re-screen you for all the allergens that originally tested positive. There is no additional charge for you this time. We may need to do a booster treatment on 1-3 allergens. There is no additional charge for these additional sessions.

Each time you come in, we first start each session with a check to see if the previous allergy is cleared and then move on to the next. Only after the previous allergy is cleared, we move on. 


Spring and Fall allergies may require additional visits during those specific seasons. 

Due to the change in seasons, and therefore allergens we will want to tackle those before hand. If spring or fall allergies have been a major problem for you in the past, We will want to see you for 2-3 treatments a couple of months before the season starts. 

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